Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Faith in God and the unresolved / Salat al Istikhara (Guidance Prayer)

I have mentioned Salat Al Istikhara earlier in my previous post.
I haven't really perform this one so often before.And I may have, at a time, underestimated the benefit and the power of it.I is one of the many voluntary prayers ( not one of the main 5 prayers of the day - not a must do!).

During what I was going through, I have turned to this prayer. It is about seeking guidance of God. There is no wisdom and guidance better than Gods, so what could be better to seek? Now, so many people do perform this prayer but end up still feeling confused and unsure about whatever matter they have. Did God just bail on them? Did he listen but didn't answer back as he promised? Absolutely no - and these are not questions that only Muslims who pray this prayer or any other one ask, they are more global too. God is there, and he is listening, and he does answer back. I think we just truly need to be patient,very patient. Whatever is unresolved will eventually resolve, we just need to embrace it and handle it with patience and faith. Faith in God, faith that it'll pass.. it'll be OK.. .
I wasn't taking this much sense to myself in the middle of a crises, but I am learning to, and I am getting better, I think :) Alhamdo leallah(thanks to God).

I believe that even when whatever path doesn't seem clear, is it for a reason, a good one. Maybe there is a lesson to learn, or perhaps the answers lie within the unresolved itself and we just need to look closer!
Regarding the Istikhara,it is recommended that the person prays it more than just once. And that is what I did.I most certainly felt ambivalent and torn about what I should do next. I had my decision right at the back of my mind, but it was covered and burdened with lots of confusion and "what if" thoughts. I watched my uncertainty fade away little by little. It took me a while. I prayed and prayed.. I just believed that faith will get me there.

Now, we could be always unsure about what will happen or what if.. but if we rely on God, faith and what our inner instincts are guiding us to.. we'll be OK..
Being honest with yourself is as important as anything else..
Think about it..
Just have faith...

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